Set of 12 White Ark Shells - Medium Size (1 1/4" - 1 1/2" / 30-38 mm)Versatile Seashells for Crafts and Beach Wedding DecorGreat for Vase Filling and Table Scatter
Small Sundial Shell (Set of 12)Size Range: 3/4 - 1 1/4" (19-32 mm)Stunning Seashells for Beach Crafts, Ocean Jewelry and Nautical Home Decor
Purple Turritella "Screw" Shells
Large Silver Turbo
Beautiful Banded Gold Mouth Turbo ShellsSize Range: about 2" (opening size about 3/4")Great for Medium Hermit Crabs as a Changing ShellAwesome Beach Crafts and Nautical Decor Shell
Beautiful Small Episcopal Miter Shell (Mitra Mitra)
Small Purple Baby Clam Pair Polished
Beautiful Polished Gold Mouth Turbo ShellsSize Range: about 2" (opening size about 3/4 -1")Great for Medium Hermit Crabs as a Changing ShellAwesome Beach Crafts and Nautical Decor Shell
Set of 12 White Ark Shells - Medium-Large Size (1 1/2" - 1 3/4" / 38-45 mm)Versatile Seashells for Crafts and Beach Wedding Decor
Shark Eyes (Moon Shells) (Set of 6)Size Range: 1" - 1 1/2" 26-38 mm)Opening Size: 3/4" by 1/2" (D-shaped)Beautiful light colored seashells for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor. Great for small Hermit Crabs that like a D-shaped opening.
Green Silver Mouth Turbo Shell (Set of 6)Size Range: 1" - 1 1/2" (26-38 mm)Opening Size: 3/8" - 3/4" (9-19 mm)Seashell for very small and small Hermit Crabs. Great for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decorations.
Striped Candy Snail Shell
Graceful Fig Shell (Set of 6) Size Range: 1 1/2" - 2 1/2" (38-63 mm)Among the most fragile of seashells, this exquisite specimen is very light weight and sand colored. Great for Beach Crafts, Wedding Decor, Vase filling and seashell collecting.
Beautiful Large Brown Marginellas - Set of 50Size Range: 1" - 1 3/4" (26-44 mm)Polished Brown Marginella Shells for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor
Large Banded Polished Tapestry Turbo (Turbo Petholatus)
Japanese Land Snail
Murex Haustellu (Snipes Bill Murex) Set of 6Size Range: 2 1/2" - 3 1/2" (63-88 mm)Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor.Aquarium and Coastal Cottage Display.
Beautiful Babylonia Areolata (Babylon) Shells (Set of 12)Size Range: 1"- 1 1/2" / 25 - 38 mmOpening Size Range: 5/8 - 3/4" (14-19 mm)Very Nice Seashells for Beach Crafts and Small Hermit Crabs
White Turretella Shells for Ocean Crafts and Coastal Decorating
6 Natural Green Abalone Shells 2" - 3" (50-75 mm) Beautiful, hand selected Haliotis Asinina (Donkey's Ear) Seashells.Light weight shell, great for all kinds of crafts and nautical decorating. Make beautiful Seashell Mirrors and Frames.
Striped Yellow Land Snail Shells (Set of 12)Size Range: 1/2" - 1" (13-26 mm)Opening Size: 1/4" - 3/8" (6-10 mm)Beautiful Little Yellow and Brown Striped Seashells. Perfect for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor. Great for small and tiny Hermit Crabs
Large Sundial Shell (Set of 12)Size Range: 1 1/2 - 1 3/4" (38-45 mm)Stunning Seashells for Beach Crafts, Ocean Jewelry and Nautical Home Decor
Set of 12 White Ark Shells - Large Size (1 3/4"- 2 1/4" / 45-57 mm)anadara granosa Versatile Seashells for Crafts and Beach Wedding Decor. Perfect for Vase Filling. Can be painted, drilled and glued.
Silver Mouth Turbo Shell (Set of 3)Size Range: 2" - 2 1/2" (50-63 mm)Opening Size: 7/8" - 1 1/8" (22-28 mm)Heavy Seashell for Medium to Large Hermit Crabs
Shark Eyes (Moon Shells) (Set of 12)Size Range: 1" - 1 1/2" 26-38 mm)Opening Size: 3/4" by 1/2" (D-shaped)Beautiful light colored seashells for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor. Great for small Hermit Crabs that like a D-shaped opening.
Green Silver Mouth Turbo Shell (Set of 12)Size Range: 1" - 1 1/2" (26-38 mm)Opening Size: 3/8" - 3/4" (9-19 mm)Seashell for very small and small Hermit Crabs. Great for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decorations.
Extra Large Japanese Land Snail Shells (Set of 3)Fairyland Snail ShellsSize Range: 3-4" (Opening Size: 2" by 2" / D-shaped)Beautiful, clean Fairyland Snail Shells (Japanese Land Snail) for Beach Crafts, Nautical Home Decor and Hermit Crabs. Beautiful, natural colors
Whale's Eye (Moon) Shells - Set of 12Size Range: 1 1/2 - 2" (38-51 mm)Opening Size: 1" by 5/8" (D-shaped)Beautiful seashells for Beach Crafts and Nautical Home Decor. Great for small Hermit Crabs that like a D-shaped opening.